Great job
Firstly, Rolamuffin.- The animation style was really uniqe and really really cool. It was very interesting how you were able to put a 3d zoom type thing work throughout the flash. Very good work with some quality audio in there as well.
Second - Breadfruit well, it was funny but really messed up. The background was music was pretty cool but the whole masturbation thing was a little, well...yuk.
Third. RTIL. It was a cool loop. It'd work even better if you could get the loop to be entirely continous with no break in the audio. Other than that, the animation was great.
Fourth ZEKEY Nothing quite like epileptic colors to remind me of a what a gift my eyesight is... The beginning was pretty cool, you should have kept going with it.
Fifth 3dition Basically the same comments as RTIL. Be cooler if you could get it to be seamless. I bet it's hard but I also bet you guys are good enough to know hot to do it.
Sixth Fat Badger Umm....Nice audio I guess. I wasn't a big fan of this one but I guess it was ok.
Overall, some very good work was put into a very fun to watch and enjoyable flash. This long review was left courtesy of the NGDD comp...